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With this RPG  GUI Asset Pack you can make all the interface for your game.  All the sprites are made under 16x16 px resolution. It contains Dialog box based on Zelda style, Pokemon, Final fantasy and other RPG games.

  • 120 pixel foods
  • 72 colored mouse pointer
  • 35 ps4 buttons controller
  • 27 dialog box
  • 17 dialog icons
  • 16 interface icons
  • 03 type of buttons
  • 02 colored sliders
  • 03 inner boxes
  • 03 Speech Bubbles
  • 01 pixel font


If you're interest to adquire the complete asset pack but you need some free-trial, you can download it in the link below:


If you have any questions before purchasing our asset bundles please contact me on twitter or in comments section. I'd be happy to help you out and answer any questions.

The font used in the mockup is 04b-03 and the characters and background was made by Vacaroxa

Other Stuff by Narehop


Get this asset pack and 7 more for $64.16 USD
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$25.95 $12.97 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $12.97 USD. You will get access to the following files:

RPGui HUD - Asset Pack.rar 149 kB

Download demo

RPGui_free.png 3.4 kB


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Hey Hector! Just bought this asset pack and I love it! I'm having trouble getting the Dialogue Boxes to scale properly without looking weird in Unity, however. 9-slicing them doesn't produce the result like you show in your first gif at the top of this page. Any advice on how to achieve that look?

Should add that I'm specifically struggling to make the area for the speaker name to scale in a way that's appealing while 9-slicing. Lmk if you need more info!

Dear Hector,
under what kind of license do you sell this asset pack? I would love to use it in my game. :)
Thanks in advance for answering!

hey! You can use it for personal and commercial use. Don't worry about that!

Thank you very much! Of course gonna credit you and send you a free copy when I'm done! :)

you are welcome! I will wait for those copy hehe

Hello! I really love this pack! it fits my game perfectly. I did re-arranged the position of the sprites (and fixed a few little things) so i could import them without problems with the unity slicer, if you want to upload them for people to use I don't mind sending them to you!

Thank you again for this pack! :)

Can you send this to me ik its a little late lo

(1 edit)

Looks nice, would be better if it was already in individual pieces instead of a sprite sheet. Also really need a higher res version, this is way too low res to use in my game. Impossible to use as a menu at 1920x1080.

You can always use Shoe Box an Adobe Air program that will slice everything up for you.

How? I use 16x16 textures and it even looks nice on a 4k screen.

(1 edit)

Hi, does the font support glyphs/accents for french and german languages?

i love the character

Some nice window GUIs.  May buy later...

the UI png can't be auto sliced in unity, any fix?

You can slice it with 16x16 size and 8x8 for the mouse icons :)

well maybe next time try to leave some transparency between sprites so that the auto slicer can work.

The current format is very user unfriendly.

(1 edit)

Very good !!
Do you have any plans to update additional ui elements in the future update?

if you think I can improve the pack tell me what do you think it need and I can try to make it :)

This is amazing, also where's the character in the pictures from? 

The Red Ridinghood with axe its mine (but not included because its unfinished and old work) 

Aw I see, love the style!