The_Golden_Scythe_0.5.2b (CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS)


  • Fixed a bug that happened when the Player fell between the two pits and despite dying the game continued.
  • The side spawners where the enemy appears when touching the red platforms now only activate if you touch those platforms.
  • The enemies of the side spawners when touching the red platforms take a little longer to appear.


  • Keyboards and PS gamepads are now allowed. (below this description you can read the keyboard controls)
  • Player can now do double jumps in the air.
  • The player can now make a dash while running, jumping or falling off a platform pressing (R2 or RT). At the end of the dash he has a 0.17s break to use the dash again.
  • The player's collisions are now smaller, allowing it to dodge a large number of enemies.
  • Collisions of enemies to hit the player are now smaller.
  • Collisions of enemies to hit the player are now larger.

Keyboard controls:

  • MOVE: A-D or left-right arrows
  • Shoot: Cntrl
  • Shootgun: E
  • Jump: Space bar

Files 46 MB
Apr 15, 2020

Get The Golden Scythe [FULL GAME]


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Nice improvements over the jam version!

It looks that the game continuing when the player dies could still be a thing: it happened to me at least falling into the right pit and apparently also dying on the right side spawner. It's a pretty nasty bug, since having to quit the game resets the progress.


Thank you! I will try to solve it ASAP! :D